Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday Night

Do you remember the "bitte nicht einsteigen" story from a few weeks ago.  Well, Saturday night I was looking at my phone and boarded a decomissioned train. I realized once I stepped in, but wasn't able to open the doors.  I took a trip to the local train yard by myself:

I found a phone for the conductor. 

In German "Ya so I'm here in the train... ya... I'm foreigner and.... didn't understand. What should I do?"  

Response, in German "dajlfkjadslfjkadlfkjad;lfjadlkfjdslfkjadlfj"

Me, in Englisch "yaaaaaaaaa sooooo" 

Response, in English "Sit down please, it will only be a minute"

So I waited on the train for thirty minutes while it was at some train yard and then took it back to a station once it was put back in service.

Eventually we ended up at a Balkan Express party. It was fun:

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