Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday on the Rhein

      I had a very lazy Sunday in strict adherence with local custom. Almost all stores are closed on Sundays, and a substantial number of people flock to the Rhein to hangout and drink a Kolsche or two.  The bank of the river has been developed to include a long walking path, greenspace, and a number of bars with patio seating.  Couples, families, and even loners grab a seat along the wall or on the grass and pass the day away while watching barges pass along the river.  My friends and I sat next to a very talented guitar player who was entertaining a crowd.  He was a particular fan of children, so every time a toddler would pass, he'd temporarily switch from plucking classical music to "happy birthday" or other children's tunes.

     On the way back home we (of course) passed by the cathedral.  A protest/gathering was being held to raise awareness for the Israel/Palenstine situation.  There were speakers and an american band performing, as well as many police in the event things got heated- which they didn't.  Most of the officers ended up standing around eating ice cream cones, which was a somewhat amusing sight.
Part of the square was surrounded like this. There may have been a 1:1 ratio of demonstrators to officers (cue ice-cream trips)

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